Rule Changes
Automatic AFK Kicks have been removed! AFK users will no longer lose their AFK status upon movement, only upon an active input such as a right click or chat message being sent. However, bypassing AFK detection by any means, such as an autoclicker or AFK machine is still prohibited. Additionally Dex Charges have been removed from Pokémon, and PokéDex trades are now once again against the rules.Quests Changes
Tiered Quest Prestige
Upon completing an entire set of Tiered or Event Quests you will be given the option to [Prestige]! This will reset all progress and yield a variety of rare rewards, including Exclusive Cosmetics, Armor Upgrades, Shards, and more! There is no limit to prestige level however, the tasks will scale in difficulty with each prestige.
Daily Quests have been revamped into a new system called Missions! The concept is the same, except there is now an 8 hour cooldown upon completing a set of missions. In order to maintain a streak, one set of missions must be completed every 48 hours.• A Mission streak of 70 is now required to unlock /kit shards
• All mission rewards are now displayed in the /missions menu.
Guild Quests
Guild Quests are back! Undertake challenges alongside your Guild Mates to earn epic rewards each day. Users who contribute at least a certain percentage (dependent on guild size, indicated in the /gq menu) towards the first three quests completed will receive a randomized reward.Global Quests
/globalquests are back, but with a twist! Each Monday at noon PT a set of 5 Global Quests will be randomly selected. Throughout the week, players across ALL realms will fight for a position on each quest's leaderboard. Those who climb into the top 10 of any quest will earn points based on their position (1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points, etc.) At the end of the week the three players with the most points will earn some sweet rewards!• First: Omega Key, 2 Cosmetic Keys, Cosmetic Spin
• Second: Omega Key, Cosmetic Key
• Third: Master Key, Cosmetic Key

Community Features
Stats Rework
Our /stats system is back with a rework! We'e added a TON of new metrics and completely revamped the rewards! Those who hold the top position in certain metrics in the Farming/Mining/Combat categories are now awarded with an exclusive Pin! These pins are only obtainable through /stats and are revoked upon losing the top position.
Player Profiles
Our new Player Profile menu quickly displays a variety of Stats/Information, as well as helpful shortcuts for any player! Profiles are always a click away - click a player's username in chat, shift+right click them, or simply type /profile <player>!• Stats: Skill/Badge/Mission/Tiered/Quest/Event/Battle Tower rankings, and more!
• Information: Last online time, balances, Discord username, equipped cosmetics/armor, and more!
• Shortcut Buttons: Add/remove friends, send trade requests, check out GTS listings, peek at Player Warps, and more!

SafeTrade Rework
SafeTrade has received a much needed facelift! Enjoy a shiny new interface, and a variety of new features + quality-of-life improvements, making trading smoother than ever!
Cross Realm Friends System
A brand new /friends system has been added, which allows you to chat with users across realms, be notified when they log in, easily view when they were online last, and much more!Guilds Rework
Guilds have been reworked to function much smoother for players, majority of menus have been redone, member taxes have been removed entirely, and many activites have been added for all guild members to enjoy!Community Mayors
Ever wanted to be the Mayor of the server? Well now you can! Every two weeks you may sign up to become a candidate for the Mayoral Election, once elected certain buffs will be enjoyed by the entire server, all with your name on it!Player Warp Boosting
Players may now pay for a "Boosted" slot in the /pwarps menu! Your warp will be perioodically broadcasted in chat, and hold a special place in the menu so it is seen before anyone else!Economy and Crate Changes
Black Market
The Black Market sells exclusive rewards daily, purchaseable with money, tokens, or even shards! The pool is limited, so you'll have to be quick if you want to get your hands on anything! Many items are sold, including:• Custom Blackmarket Tools & Cosmetics
• Cosmetics (Gradients, Balloons, Pins, etc)
• Battle Items
• and much more!

Badge System
A new /badges system has been added! Badges are a reward path system, each containing 8 badges, which yield rewards upon completion. There are many different badge types to grind, including Skills, Missions, Quests, and more!Buffed Playtime Rewards
Playtime rewards have been buffed! While you rack up your time on the server, enjoy a scaling reward system designed to reward you the more time you spend on the map!Sell To Server
Added /selltoserver which allows you to sell any Pokémon to the server, every 30 minutes! (Note: Selling to the server will offer a slightly reduced price!)Balance Changes
There have been a TON of balance changes in almost all aspects of the server! From shop changes, to Pokémon prices, to Quest difficult and rewards, Anubis has been completely overhauled to make the experience refreshing and fun for both new, and returning players!Cosmetic Crate Algorithm Revamp
The old Cosmetic Crate reward selection algorithm was flawed in numerous ways, and has been redesigned entirely!• If you don’t own all cosmetics of a particular type, the chance to receive this cosmetic type remains unchanged no matter how many are unlocked.
• If you own all cosmetics of a particular type, all rewards of this type are replaced with a single “Spin Voucher,” which only contains cosmetics of this type. If you choose to claim the voucher, you will receive a random voucher from this type. If the spin voucher is opened by another user, they will receive a random unowned cosmetic.
New Cosmetic Types
6 NEW cosmetic types have been added!• Furniture: Furniture may be purchased in the /furniture menu with a new currency called “Bits” which are obtained from the AnubisMC Store.
• Pins: Pins may be equipped in the /pins menu and are unlocked in various crates, prestige rewards, and badge rewards. An equipped pin is displayed before your username in chat, tab, and various other places.
• Join Messages: Join messages may be equipped in the /activitymessages menu and are unlocked in various crates, prestige, and badge rewards. Join messages will be announced to the server when you join.
• Quit Messages: Quit messages may be equipped in the /activitymessages menu and are unlocked in various crates, prestige, and badge rewards. Quit messages will be announced to the server when you leave.
• Chat Colors: The /chatcolor selection menu has been revamped, and now supports chat color gradients, more colors, and the italic formatting style. Chat color gradients may be unlocked in various crates.
• Nicknames: The /nickname menu has been revamped to allow use of gradients and symbols as well as ensure your nickname is displayed properly everywhere on the server.
With a Plushie item in hand, right click on the ground to create a Pokémon Statue! Obtain these plushies from the Plushie Crate, which may be obtained in the donor store or from /battleshop Simply click on the crate located at /warp crates and select your preferred generation, and you will receive a random Plushie from that generation. View all of your placed Plushies with the /statues list command.
Pokémon Features
Fusion Pokémon
Our brand new Fusion Pokémon update introduces Pokémon which are only available on the AnubisMC network. Each Fusion Pokémon is a combination of two Pokémon, and has a unique Signature Ability, Signature Move, and Custom Held Item. In order to create your own Fusion Pokémon, you must first acquire a Fusion Catalyst, which may be crafted in a workbench with 9x Fusion Shards. Shards and catalysts may be obtained from the following:• Battle Point Shop
• Worldbosses
• PokéHunts
• Official Tournaments
• Fusion PokéDex
• Omega & Master Crate
Once you have a Fusion Catalyst, head over to /warp fusions, right click the Fusion Machine, and select two Fusable Pokémon from your party and click confirm! Currently there’s only 1 Fusion Pokémon available, we’ll be working in designing and implementing plenty more in the near future! The new Fusion /dex tab awards Fusion Catalysts as you create these new mysterious Pokémon. Each unique Fusion that you create will increment your Fusion PokéDex score. Fusions may be previewed by clicking the Preview button in each /fusions submenu.

Rustles is a new feature that adds new means to encounter wild Pokémon. Those who’ve played the Generation V games may already be familiar with this concept, also known as “Phenomena.” Occasionally you will hear a sound as well as particles spawning nearby, approaching these particles will initiate a battle with the “rustled Pokémon.” The species which are spawned are based on your current world and surrounding environment. Each of the 7 environments (/info rustles) have their own unique particle and sound effect. Rustle spawn pools largely contain species with lower-end spawn rates such as starters and final evolutions. Rustle spawns also have greater chances for HA, Exotic, and Shiny spawns, and may receive an IV buff upon capture!Living PokéDex
This new type of PokéDex has 3 categories for you to fill, being the regular Living Dex, Shiny Living Dex, and Exotic Living Dex, each with their own unique rewards, and Pokémon to collect. This new type of PokéDex requires that your party/PC actively contains each unique species. However, to prevent living dex entries from clogging your PC slots, they may be deposited into the /livingvault menu for safekeeping. Should a species be entirely removed from your party, PC and living vault, your badge and leaderboard score will be reduced. Certain badges grant ultra-exclusive Boosters for as long as the badge remains unlocked, including up to a 15% HA Spawn Boost, 20% Exotic Boost, 20% Skill Boost, and 20% Shiny BoostPokéHunts Rework
Our PokéHunts system has been reworked to allow a much smoother experience for players! Enjoy an improved /hunt menu, as well as better reward previews, and the removal of the submit menu!PokéStops
Every once in a while, a wild PokéStop will spawn near a player's location. Find the PokéStop and click the chest to claim the loot!
Competitive Battling Updates
Battle Tower Rework
Our Battle Tower system has been completely revamped! This new system dynamically generates a party for each battle, based on your chosen tier and battle format, so no two battles will ever be the same. Utilize various team formats & climb to the top of the season leaderboard to earn a variety of exclusive rewards, including 9 brand new Cosmetics!Battle Tiers
To start a battle, select a battle format (6v6 or 4v4) and Smogon Tier in the /bt menu. Each of the six tiers has three towers containing eight floors each, with each successive tower & floor increasing in difficulty & Battle Point rewards. Progress towards the completion of each tier/tower persists throughout the season, so if you lose to a particular floor, your next attempt will resume at that same floor. Upon the completion of a tower in a particular tier, it may no longer be challenged for the remainder of the season.Available Smogon Tiers: Monotype • Anything Goes • Ubers • Over Used • Under Used • Rarely Used
Each season runs for roughly 3 weeks with a 1 week offseason. All challengers who defeat all three towers in each tier will receive each of the "completion" rewards. The first challenger to achieve this feat will be crowned winner of the current season, and will receive each of the "winner" rewards and a commemoration in the main menu for the remainder of the map. If this isn't completed by the season's end, the challenger with the most Battle Points accrued throughout the season will be crowned winner. During each “offseason,” rewards are reduced and stats aren’t recorded while we update each tier with the latest changes from Smogon.Season Winner Rewards
• Random Battle Tower Cosmetic
• Exclusive Battle Tower Pin
• 8000 Battle Points, and an Omega Key
Completion Rewards• Random Battle Tower Cosmetic (25% chance)
• 6000 Battle Points, a Cosmetic Key, and an Exotic Key
Guild Wars
Guilds are now able to compete in our new weekly Clash of Clans style event: Guild Wars! Each week on Thursday at midnight PT, a 'Guild War' is automatically initiated where all participating Guilds battle against each other to claim the top prizes, and to determine the very best Guild! Each war cycle is split into two distinct phases:Preperation Phase (Thursday 12 AM -> Monday 12 AM PT)
• During the Preparation Phase, all members who wish to participate must first be assigned to a lineup. Each lineup member must then select a single team of 6 Pokémon in the Active War menu, which will defend your Guild in the upcoming war.
• Your defensive team will be automatically controlled by an advanced AI during the next phase.
• Any lineups with less than 8 defensive teams selected by the end of this phase will be automatically disqualified.
Attack Phase (Monday 12 AM -> Thursday 12 AM PT)• During the War Phase, each lineup member must select a single opponent and launch a strategic attack in the Active War menu.
• Each Pokémon defeated in battle awards your lineup with a Star (max 6 stars per battle). Any Stars that you fail to claim are awarded to your opponent.
Smogon Tiers
All defensive and offensive teams must adhere to a particular Smogon Tier, which may vary from war to war. All wars will use the 6v6 National Dex format, Ensure that your party adheres to all restrictions with /gw check.Rewards
Upon the completion of a Guild War, all participating lineups will be ranked by total Stars accrued. Depending on your lineup's ranking, each member of your lineup will receive a randomized reward from the reward pools displayed in the Guild Rewards menu.Guild Lineups
Each Guild member must be assigned to a Lineup by an Officer or the Leader. Each lineup must contain 8 members each, all of whom will battle alongside each other for glory! Up to 3 lineups may be unlocked in the Guild Upgrades menuGuild War Seasons
Guild War seasons consist of 5 wars each. Upon the completion of a Guild Season, all participating Guilds will be ranked by their average Stars accrued during each war from each lineup.1st place
• $10 Store Voucher
• Guild Booster of Choice (up to 12h)
• Random Guild Wars Cosmetic (50% chance)
• Exclusive Guild Wars Pin
• 4000 Battle Points, 1000 Tokens, $250k, and an Omega Key
2nd place• Guild Booster of Choice (up to 8h)
• Random Guild Wars Cosmetic (25% chance)
• 2000 Battle Points, 500 Tokens, $200k, a Cosmetic Key, and an Exotic Egg
3rd place• Guild Booster of Choice (up to 4h)
• Random Guild Wars Cosmetic (10% chance)
• 1000 Battle Points, 250 Tokens, $100k, a Master Key, and a Shiny Key
Our Gyms system has been completely overhauled, enjoy many new Quality of Life changes including improved menus, recording of your ENTIRE battle history, the ability for leaders to view challenger battle history, discord reminders so you never miss a battle, and much more!Battle Shop Rework
Battle Points may be earned in various battling-related activies, such as Gyms, Battle Tower, etc. Which may be spent in the /bpshop. We’ve revamped this shop to function similarly to the Black Market which contains a significantly larger selection of items, including every one of our cosmetics!
Utility Features
Shard Armor Rework
Our Shard Armor system has been completely revamped with the goal in mind of making it much more accessible and useful to the average player, while still keeping it powerful for late game players. Each piece of armor now contains a unique upgradeable ability, and is activated even without a full or matching set. If a full set of a matching type is equipped, an additional “Full Set” ability is activated.• Armor Upgrades: Most abilities may be upgraded up to Tier V with an Armor Upgrade in the Armor Manager menu. Each additional tier further improves various attributes of the ability. Armor Upgrades may be obtained from various crates, Bingo, PokéHunt, Shard Roulette, Badge Rewards, and more
• Mana Charge: Shard Armor durability has been replaced with “Mana Charge” which must be periodically replenished. Upon losing all Mana Charge, abilities will no longer be activated. Mana Potions may be purchased in the Armor Manager menu for 10 EXP and a Random Shard
• Roulette: Random Shards and Tokens may be spent in the new “Shard Roulette” menu to potentially unlock rare items such as Armor Upgrades and HA Vouchers
• Armor Infusion: Evolution Stone Armor effects may be permanently “infused” to your Shard Armor in the Armor Manager menu with an Armor Infusor. Armor Infusors may be obtained from Bingo, PokéHunts, and Ultra/Master/Boss/Omega Crates
Custom Breeding System
This system is similar to the breeding system used in 1.12.2 Pixelmon however, with a healthy additions of numerous unlockable upgrades to assist you in your breeding operation! Access the /breeding menu for an overview of your active breeding stations, and for a detailed guide on all mechanics.Breeding Guides
Navigate to the Guides page in the /breeding menu for a detailed guide on all breeding mechanics.
• Basics: Will include information on the basics of the systems mechanic and how breeding works in general.
• Environment: Will include all the environment blocks for each specific type, alongside some information on how these blocks provide satisfaction for your Pokémon and how long each Pokémon will take to breed based on these environment strengths.
• Inheritance: Will provide information on items usable for breeding alongside information on how the offspring's inherited traits are passed down to them.
• Hourglass: Hourglasses have received a mini rework to compensate for this revamp due to requirements not being necessary anymore.
Station Upgrades
Breeding Station upgrades provide powerful boosts to help speed up and optimize your breeding operation.
• Environment: Adds another row of environment blocks to a specific direction, going from the default 9 x 9 to a maximum of 15 x 5.
• Egg Crack: Adds a chance for an Egg to be already cracked upon completion.
• IV-Boost: Adds a chance for an Egg to have increased IVs upon completion.
• Auto Collect: Adds a chance for an Egg to be automatically retrieved upon completion (Includes while Offline!)
• Texture Swap: Adds a chance for an Egg to receive a Shiny/Exotic texture upon completion
• Offline Progress: Improves offline breeding speed.

Auto Pickup System
We're happy to announce that the /pickup system has been completely overhauled. Our new system has two modes for automatically collecting and selling block drops, and three modes for automatically handling drops received for defeating wild Pokémon.Block Drops
Say goodbye to manually collecting blocks! This feature aims to eliminate the hassle of breaking a block and having to walk over to pick it up, while also reducing the load on the server.• Auto Pickup: Automatically collects drop items from broken blocks into your inventory (Available for all ranks)
• Auto Pickup & Sell: Automatically sells collected items with a price defined in /shop (Master+ rank required)
Pokémon Drops
Farming Pokémon is now a whole lot easier! Instead of having to repeatedly click the drop/take button, users with certain donor ranks are now able to avoid this menu entirely, and Masters+ are able to automatically sell the collected items.• Auto Drop: Automatically drops Pokémon Drops (Available for Challengers+)
• Auto Take: Automatically collects Pokémon Drops (Available for Elites+)
• Auto Take & Sell: Automatically collects & sells Pokémon Drops (Available for Masters+)
Click items in your inventory to add them to your blacklist, which will prevent them from being automatically picked up or taken. Additionally it is now possible to prevent an item from being automatically sold with Auto Sell or the /sell all command by middle clicking on the item in /shop.Boosters
An assortment of "boosters" have been implemented that improve your chances for various Pokémon related events. Each booster has a duration of 30 minutes, and only one booster type may be activated at a time.• HA Booster: Doubles the chance for a Pokémon with a Hidden ability to spawn nearby
• Shiny Booster: Doubles the chance for a Shiny Pokémon to spawn nearby
• Breeding Booster: Increases the Breeding Rate of your Breeding Stations by 50%
• Skill Booster: Gives you a 50% Skill EXP for all skills
• Rare Drop Booster: Removes all common items from the drop pool upon defeating a Pokémon in battle
• Double Drop Booster: Doubles all drops received upon defeating a Pokémon in battle
• Catch Rate Booster: Doubles the chance to successfully catch a Pokémon
Event Updates
Hunt your opponents down & in this fast-paced team deathmatch event. Each kill awards KillCoins which may be spent on 7 powerful killstreaks to help you secure the win! A selection of 9 helmets may be permanently unlocked with Event Points, each of which grants a unique and strategic ability. Have you got what it takes to drop a Tactical Nuke?
Run! The ghosts are out and they’re trying to catch you! Evade the ghosts and keep yourself hidden, try to stay alive the longest to come out victorious!
Make sure to keep moving while playing this event, the ground beneath you slowly gets more and more threatening! Avoid the other snakes' red pathing and be the last one standing.Dodgeball
Back to school! Dodgeball is back! Launch dodgeballs at your opponents to get them out, the last player standing wins it all!Event Points & Event Shop
Event participation and win rewards have been reworked to utilize a new currency called “Event Points,” which may be spent in the new /epshop. This shop’s contents are randomly cycled daily at midnight PT, and contains a huge assortment of rare items and cosmetics. Participating in a staff hosted event yields 10 Event Points per round, and an additional 30 Event Points per round win! With this change, we will be retiring the Event Crate in the near future, so make sure to use them before they expire.Who's That Pixelmon
Who's that Pixelmon is back, and will be periodically broadcasted in chat! To participate, you must click the button displayed and guess the Pixelmon displayed!
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