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Origins Gym Rules

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Network Manager
Origins Gym Rules

Rules apply to both Gym Leaders & Challengers unless stated otherwise.

General Gym Rules:

• Always follow /rules.
• Gyms are 6v6.
• You may challenge the gyms in any order.
• Battle Rules will be used to set all Pokémon to level 100 every battle.
• Your Pokémon cannot have a nickname.
• Players and leaders are not allowed to discuss gym teams or strategies to be used against the gyms. (This includes Pokémon & move sets.)
• No using FEAR tactics or any variations of FEAR.
• You cannot use any Pokémon with the following moves; Destiny Bond or Z-Status Moves (Z-Hypnosis, Z-Toxic, Z-Sleep Powder, etc).
• You cannot use any Pokémon with the following abilities; Arena Trap, Moody, Power Construct or Shadow Tag.
• You may only use 3D Pokémon
Stall Clause: In a team of 6 there cannot be more than 3 Pokémon with a move that has a direct or indirect healing ability, excluding attacking moves. This includes moves like Leech Seed, Recover and Wish, but not moves such as Giga Drain, Draining Kiss, etc.
• You cannot use any Pokémon with the following moves; Destiny Bond, Scale Shot, Revival Blessing, Water Shuriken, Triple Axel, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw and Dragon Tail.
•You cannot use the following items; Alakazite, Blastoisinite, Blazikenite, Gengarite, Kangaskhanite, King's Rock, Razor Fang, Lucarionite, Metagrossite, Salamencite.
• You cannot use any Pokémon which are banned from the National Dex* meta. (Click here to see a list of restrictions: https://www.smogon.com/dex/sv/formats/national-dex/*).
• You can use Hisuian variants of Pokémon, (e.g: Lilligant-Hisui is allowed to be used as a Challenger or Leader).
• You must abide by the following clauses in all battles; Bag, Baton Pass, Dynamax, Endless Battle, Evasion, Moody, OHKO, Sleep, Species. (Click here for more info: https://www.smogon.com/ss/articles/clauses
• If the opponent (Challenger or Leader) disconnects unexpectedly during the battle (or the Waiting Glitch occurs), wait at least a minute, do not heal or alter your Pokemon. If they rejoin, resume where the battle ended.
• If the opponent (Challenger or Leader) disconnects unexpectedly during the battle (or the Waiting Glitch occurs), and stat changes have been made you must restart the battle if they rejoin.
• Ghosting (helping another player in their gym battle) is not allowed and will result in a disqualification.

Challenger Exclusive Rules:

• You must always throw out your Pokémon before the leader.
• You must always start with the Pokémon you throw out.
• You may not borrow Pokémon from other players in order to challenge gyms, they must be your own Pokémon that you have trained with your own ideas.
• If you’ve purchased a Pokémon in a trade you may still challenge a gym as long as it follows the previous rules.
• Pokémon must be fully healed before each battle.

Leader Exclusive Rules:
• You may only use Pokémon that align with your gym type.
• For Dual Type Gyms, you must have at least 2 Pokémon from each typing.
• Your Pokémon should be level 100.

Gym Team Budgets:
• When applying, Gym Leaders will receive a budget. The budget applies to any Pokémon that you want spawned in for your gym team, if you spend your budget on 5 Pokémon, you will need to get the 6th Pokémon yourself. This means you can spend heavily on a few Pokémon if you want to get some of the others yourself or if you already have a good Gym Pokémon.
• Alternatively, if you already have 3 of your 6 mons you would have a bigger budget as you only need to spend it on 3 mons
• If a Pokémon is missing a move, or is unable to learn it in the server but can learn the move on Showdown, we can teach that move for you
• The budget of Gym Leaders depends on the Gym type you are applying for:
Mono Type: $1,250,000 Dual Type: $1,500,000 Omni: $2,000,000
• To see the value of each Pokemon check the Budgeting sheet: (https://anubismc.com/originsgymbudget - this is currently being updated since our map reset)

Gym Leader Guidelines
• Always be nice & welcoming to Challengers of your Gym.
• Your Pokémon must be correctly IV & EV trained.
• Your team cannot be changed at all without contacting a Gym Manager.
• You're only allowed to reject a Challenger with a good reason, ask a Staff Member if you are unsure. If you apply for a Gym Leader position, you're responsible for accepting battles.
• You may not frequently AFK as it detracts from everyone's experience.
• You may have a maximum of 3 "bench" mons, these can be substituted in and out of your team as you please, however this must be decided before the battle begins, and cannot be done if the battle bugs and you may not restart the battle to switch them in, these will be included in the budget if given.
• Upon two weeks of inactivity, your Gym Leader status will be revoked. If Staff Members are notified beforehand, an extra two weeks of grace period may be granted.
• Gym Leaders will be given access to /gymleaderrrewards (or /glr in short), which gives rewards depending on how many battles you have completed.

Gym Leader Commands
/leader accept - Accepts the most recent battle request.
/leader deny - Denies the most recent battle request.
/leader give - Gives your most recent opponent their badge.
/leader won - Marks the most recent battle as a win (to track your win/loss stats).
/leader stats - View your win/loss ratio for each gym you're a leader of.
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