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Sword Gym Rules

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Gym Rules
Rules apply to both Gym Leaders & Challengers unless stated otherwise.

* You may not use any Pokemon or items that are banned from the S/V National Dex meta. [Click here to see a list of restrictions
* You must follow the Pokemon Limits [Gyms are 4v4 battles].
* You cannot use the following moves: Baton Pass, Destiny Bond, Dragon Rage, Endeavor, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw.
* You cannot use Pokemon with the following abilities: Arena Trap, Moody, Power Construct or Shadow Tag.
* You must follow the following clauses in all battles: Bag, Evasion, Item, OHKO, Sleep, Species [For more info Click Here [https://www.smogon.com/ss/articles/clauses]].
* Battle Rules should always be used to raise the level of Challengers Pokemon to lvl 100.
* Battles may not be over 80 turns long. If a battle reaches turn 81, it is a win for the leader.

Challenger Exclusive Rules:
* You must always throw out your Pokémon before the leader and start with the same Pokémon.
* You may not borrow Pokémon from other players in order to challenge gyms, they must be your own Pokémon, that you have trained with your ideas. If you’ve purchased a Pokémon in a trade you may still challenge a gym as long as it follows the previous rules. Gym Leaders may still disqualify you if they feel you’re using a Pokémon/team that’s not yours. For example if you’re using the same team & strategy that a Gym Leader lost to the previous day, they may see fit to disqualify you. You will be punished accordingly.
* You may not disclose any Gym Leader teams or counters/strategies in order to beat specific Gym Leaders/Gyms (Jail).

Leader Exclusive Rules:
* You may only use Pokemon that align with your gym type.
* In Gyms that require 4 Pokemon, Pokemon must be divided into 2 from each type. If a Pokemon has both types of that gyms, it is your choice which type to count it in to
* Your Pokemon should be the exact level of the gym cap.


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  • - Banned Bag items - using items such as revives, potions etc.
    • - Legend plate is banned.
    • - Exotic Arceus’ Typing must be disclosed before the battle begins.
    • - Additional banned Moves - Shed Tail, Last Respects.


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Un-Banned Moves: Destiny Bond, Dragon Rage, Endeavor, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw.
Removed Rule: Battles may not be over 80 turns long. If a battle reaches turn 81, it is a win for the leader.
Added Rule for Leaders: Dual Type teams MUST have three of each type combination
Challenger's May ONLY battle a gym they've defeated before once per day
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• All Gyms are now in the Nat Dex OU 6v6 Format

Leader Specific Rules -
• If the challenger or Gym leader suddenly disconnects from a battle, wait a maximum of 5minutes and DO NOT alter or heal your pokemon. if they re-join resume the battle. However, if the Challenger or Gym Leader fails to return, the opposing player gains the win.
• Full Heal, Raise to Level Cap and Team Preview must be turned on.

General Rules -
The following are banned due to bugs in Gym Battles:
Items: Red Card
Abilities: Emergency Exit
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