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Official Pixelmon Server Rules

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New member
Staff member
Network Manager
(May be subject to change, always under admin discretion. Staff have final say.)


Economy Regulations
• A TOTAL maximum difference of $100k is allowed per 24 hour period. Please check the valuation of items/Pokemon with /prices or consult with staff in advance. (Jail) Trade evolving using Legendaries worth over $100k is NOT allowed! (note: the 100k rule does not mean you can sell things below minimum price)
• Cross-server trading (Jail)
• Borrowing/Loaning Pokemon from/to others (Jail)
• Adding anything to GTS for unreasonably high prices (Warning)
• Operating gambling machines of any kind (Jail)
You may not trade more than 1 (Breedable) HA Pokemon per day (Jail)
• Dex Trading (dex trading any Pokemon valued over $100k according to /prices. (Warning, then Jail) This includes trading Pokemon of similar value back and forth)
• Mass Selling/Giving away is strictly forbidden when quitting (attempting to ruin, or crash, a server's economy, is not permitted such as giving away or attempting to sell all your items/pokes) This is to a staff member's discretion (Jail/Ban)
• No bypassing economy regulations in any capacity (Jail)

Bug/Exploiting Regulations
• Exploiting bugs/exploits (Ban)
• Possession of duped items (Ban)
• No disclosing the location of any DropCrate to other players, or providing assistance in any capacity (Jail)
• Exploiting events (by being afk, or simply not taking part) for quests/points (Warning, then Jail) If you are inside an event zone while an event is being hosted you must fully participate.
Intentionally forcing a tie for global quests (Ban)

Hacking/Modification Regulations
• Hacking of any kind (Ban)
• Use of X-ray or transparent texture packs of any kind (Ban)
• Use of autoclickers or illegal mouse modifications (Ban)
• Schematica replanting or use of schematica to build your farms (Warning, then Jail)
• Schematica usage during building competitions unless specifically stated otherwise (Jail + Event DQ)
• Pixelradar, pixelmondetector or any other iteration of this mod is not allowed

Store Regulations
• Charging back any payments made through the donation store (Ban)
• Selling/trading any accounts or in-game items for any type out-of-game currency (Steam, PayPal, etc.) (Ban) Note that giving someone in-game items in exchange for making a donation is OK!, However a player may not do an IRL deal while banned to get themselves unbanned and then transfer items after.

Redstone Regulations
• Operating large redstone builds (Jail) If your build causes too much lag staff may have to world edit your farm out to keep the server stable.
• Operating rapid fire or infinitely looping redstone contraptions (Warning)
• Redstone auto farms whatsoever, including automatic mob farms with redstone. (no redstone at all for any type of farm) Note: non-redstone autofarms that do not cause lag are allowed and should be no bigger than 32x32x64 (Warning, then Jail)
• Constantly feeding hoppers items (Builds should have no more than 20 hoppers) (Warning)

Building Regulations
Spawners must be kept in an enclosed area (Warning)
• Bypassing the AFK Marker or building anything that could do so (Jail)
• Inappropriate builds (Jail)

Chat Regulations
• Disrespecting players or staff (Mute)
• Swearing/bypassing the filter or excessive usage of caps (Mute)
• Excessive spam (more than 1 (not conversation related) message every 10 seconds) (Mute)
• Unreadable Nicknames (Using fonts that would cause users to have a hard time understanding what your name is) (Warning)
• Speaking in a language other than English in global chat (Mute)
• Discussing punishments in global chat (Mute)
• Inappropriate topics (Mute)
• Hate speech, racism, harmful comments towards sexuality, nsfw or anything of the sort (Mute/Ban depending on severity)
• Asking for any free items (Warning, then Mute)
• Discussing staff perms (Ban)

Player Conduct
• Disrupting other players' experience (Warning) Use common sense and do not disrupt another player's experience. This includes building/claiming within 50 blocks of another player's claim.
• AFKing at bases other than your own with the intention of helping gain profit (ex: AFKing at another player's farm) (Warning, then Jail)
• Scamming of any kind (Jail)
• Renaming Pokemon with the intent of deceiving others into believing it's another type of Pokemon (Jail)
• Killing/Trapping other players (Jail)
• Bypassing any punishments through any methods (Jail)
• Sexual anything anywhere (Ban)
• Death Threats in any capacity (Ban)

• Advertising another server IP, server name, server website, or discord. (Ban)

Alt Account Abusing
• No using alternate accounts to bypass a punishment or to gain an unfair advantage over others (Jail)

Directly guiding others through Presents or Sign Hunt
• For Sign Hunt, only the warp name may be shared. (Jail)

Donors may not use perks without cooldowns on other players
• /shop donorshop and other donator warps are fine. (Warning)

Side note: Stealing from unclaimed areas IS allowed, and stealing items from claims you're trusted in is also allowed. Be careful who you /trust. Claims may also be manually deleted after 60 days of the owner being offline. No compensation will be given for items lost/taken in this way.

** You are responsible for your own account. If someone else has access to your account and uses it to break server rules, we will still take action against your account.
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